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Arizona Reopening Phase 3 and COVID-19: Returning to Normal

Author(s): Howard J Eng*

Arizona is about the same size as Italy, and the sixth largest in size of the United States 50 states. The state’s Reopening Phase 3 began on March 5, 2021. There were declines in the weekly COVID-19 cases from March through June. In July and August, the cases rose as the Delta variant spread throughout the United States. Arizona had passed one million case milestone. This six-month longitudinal study examined the changes in the numbers of vaccinations given, new COVID-19 cases, hospitalized cases, deaths, testing given, and the weekly positively percentages during Reopening Phase 3. The data source used was from the Arizona Department of Health Services COVID-19 dashboard database. Even with the case surges, the new normal was low number of severe cases, manageable hospitalization numbers, and very low number of deaths.