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Hip Arthroscopic Portals: A New Approach through Accessory Portals Established Within 3cm around Anterolateral Portal

Author(s): Kiran Kumar Shah

Background: This new technique an approach through accessory portals established within 3cm around anterolateral portal has more advantageous aspect than any other approach taken during hip arthroscopy. Through this new approach injury to labrum, articular cartilage, neurovascular structures is avoided completely along with that this new approach makes the procedure easy and convenient.

Aim: To prove that accessory portals established within 3cm around anterolateral portal makes the procedure and instrumentation facilitation easy and injury to anatomical structure and NVS can be avoided completely.

Methods and materials: Anterolateral portal being the safest is established first and in relation to it within 3cm accessory portals are established as many as per need.

Results: Every year an average of 40 patients undergo hip arthroscopy and in all cases our approach is through this new technique of accessory portals established within 3cm around anterolateral portal.

Conclusion: The accessory portals we establish not only makes the hip arthroscopy easy but also help us avoid use of fluoroscopy and prolonged traction. The visualization within the hip joint of anatomical structure is more precise and accurate, and injury to anatomical structures and NVS is avoided completely.