
Medical & Clinical Research

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Volume 8, Issue 2
DOI : 10.33140/MCR.08.02.03 Original Article
Title: Evaluation of local nasal immunotherapy to Dermatophagoides sp. in patients with allergic rhinitis
Author(s): Luiz Werber-Bandeira, Thiago Luiz Bandeira, Isabela Mansur Bandeira, Selma Sabra, Aderbal Sabra Filho, Juliana Vasconcellos, Bruno de Brito Braga, Jorge Oliveira, Carla Goulart, Alexandre Monteiro, Aderbal Sabra
Link(s): Abstract PDF
DOI : 10.33140/MCR.08.02.02 Case Report
Title: A retrospective case-control study for assessing the risk factors for development of diabetic kidney disease among people with type 2 diabetes in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry
Author(s): Sneha Saji, Srividya Suresh, Deepak MC, Sampath Kumar Krishnaswamy, Arthur Joseph, Manoj Kumar, Melvin George, Subramaniyan Kumaraswamy, Narayanan Krishnamoorthy, Gopinath Raman, Arun Kannan, Ratnesh Bhai Mehta
Link(s): Abstract PDF
DOI : 10.33140/MCR.08.02.01 Editorial
Title: Professionals work impairment perspective in the digital era
Author(s): Sofica Bistriceanu
Link(s): Abstract PDF